
Welcome to the Pro Audio Roadshow – a dedicated journey into the heart of location sound recording. Unlike larger events covering the vast landscape of broadcast and cinema, we’ve fine-tuned our focus specifically for you – the location sound recordist.

Embarking on a journey across Europe, the Pro Audio Roadshow strips away the frills for a straightforward exploration of the tools, techniques, and innovations that define location sound. Immerse yourself in the practical aspects of audio recording, connecting your passion with the latest advancements in technology.

A significant highlight of our shows is the inclusion of workshops and masterclasses, where seasoned industry professionals share their expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these sessions offer a unique opportunity to refine your skills and stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of location sound recording.

Join us for an exclusive experience, celebrating the hands-on aspects of audio recording. Stay tuned as we traverse the continent, connecting enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools that matter most.